- A finely tuned engine room, fueling super-efficient Owners Corporations
- The secret to administration is staying ahead of the game
Top-shelf strata administration is about much more than managing the day to day and reacting to things when they happen. Optimised success only comes when you make the effort to stay fully across the legislative landscape and prepare for what might happen. That’s where we come in.
Quotations, valuations, lodgements, claims and renewals… MOCS takes care of every single insurance need, with an unwavering dedication to sourcing the most suitable providers.
Accounting, compliance records, strata plans, rules and general correspondence… MOCS makes sure your Owners Corporation operates beautifully by the book.
MOCS strata services cover every aspect of Owners Corporation business, including the management of Annual General Meetings and any other required committee liaison.
With years of expertise in strata management and exposure to every scenario around legislation and regulations, MOCS is a master at negotiating and mediating on your behalf.
Masters in administration, so you don’t have to be.