Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 – Key Changes

Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 – Key Changes

The existing Owners Corporations Regulations 2007 has been replaced by the Owners Corporations Regulations 2018 effective 2 December 2018.

Some of the key changes affecting lot owners are:

Maintenance Plans
Additional major capital items that must be contained in a maintenance plan including common property structures, including the roof, stairways, balustrades and window frames, shared services, fences, pools and water tanks.

Membership of Committee
A Committee can resolve that a Committee Member is to cease holding office if they are absent 25% or more from committee meetings without reasonable explanation within any six months period. This will be a useful tool for Committees with inactive members whose non-attendance impacts quorum and decision making. The active members can seek to reduce the size of the Committee without having to wait until the next general meeting.

Changes in the Model Rules
• A Committee can appoint members to a sub-committee without reference to the Owners Corporation. (Previously sub-committees could only be formed if the special rules permitted)
• An owner or occupier of a lot must obtain the written approval of the owners corporation before making any changes to the external appearance of their lot. An owners corporation cannot unreasonably withhold approval, but may give approval subject to reasonable conditions to protect quiet enjoyment of other lot owners, structural integrity or the value of other lots and/or common property.
• An owner or occupier of a lot must notify the owners corporation when undertaking any renovations or other works that may affect the common property and/or other lot owners’ or occupiers’ enjoyment of the common property.


Christmas Break

Melbourne Owners Corporation Services (MOCS) would like to take this opportunity to inform lot owners that our office will be closed from 24th December 2018 and re-opens on 7th January 2019. During this time, we will not be able to answer emails as quickly as we usually do.  For urgent or emergency common area maintenance matters, please call 03 9818 2488.

Please contact our office before 21st December 2018 should you require assistance on any Owners Corporation administrative matters.

MOCS would like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.